In memory of the victims of Hamburg
In Hamburg on the evening of March 9, seven people were killed in a Jehovah’s Witnesses meeting, the perpetrator directed himself. Eight people were injured, four of them seriously.
Our deepest sympathy goes to all those affected by this terrible act of bloodshed.
We remember the deceased people, one of whom was not even born yet.
Our thoughts are with the parents, children, siblings and grandparents of the deceased and with all the people they were close to. May they be carried by care, support and comfort in these darkest hours of their lives, and thus learn that they are not alone in their pain and despair.
We think especially of all those who have lost loved ones a second time and are excluded from the care of the former community. We want them to know that they are not alone today, that they are supported by compassion and love in their pain and despair.
Our thoughts are with the injured. May they receive all the medical help they need. May they recover, not only physically, but also mentally.
We think of all those who have been thrown out of their lives by these terrible events. Who do not know how to go on living. May they regain confidence and find their way back to life.
And our thoughts are with all those who are reminded by these events of how they lost their loved ones. Who sympathize with those affected and grieve with them. And wish someone had seen their suffering at the time. May we be there for them, may they heal.
Our thoughts and sympathy are with all the people affected by these terrible events. May they all experience cohesion and healing.
Not knowing the motives of the assassin, we would like to be a contact for information on Jehovah’s Witnesses (in general and in Germany), their dropouts, as well as providing individual reports from dropouts.
Contact: presseinfo(at) Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.