Our mission is to inform about human rights violations within Jehovah’s Witnesses’ organization and to provide victims with psychological and legal help.
Udo Obermayer, president of the association JW Victims Help e.V. presents mission and aims at a glance. Please clickon menu right above for English subtitles. He was born and grown up in a Jehovah’s Witness family and have spent all his life in that organization until he left 2 1/2 years ago. He severed many many years as elder caring about spiritual needs of congregation members. Well-known activists and cult experts founded our association to provide support for concerned peoples in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and to fight for human rights within Jehovah’s Witnesses organization. Meanwhile many concerned peoples contacted us – active Jehovah’s Witnesses, ex-JW’s and persons in a close relationship with Jehovah’s Witness members. They report about anxieties, depressions, burn-out, psychosomatic diseases and some thought of suicide. Do you like to help? We are happy about each donation in order to support our aims and help victims.
More information you will find here.